Life expectancy in Zimbabwe is roughly thirty years for men, and thirty-four for women. Disregard whatever partisan, inept, grossly unprofessional, politicized and militarized Zimbabwe Statistics Agency tells you, given its brazen sympathies for the futile establishment of a one party state by the oblivious, illegitimate, quasi-military edifice whose dictatorial approaches of illegitimate ruling, as a very poor alternative of governing through consensus, which is also a criminal enterprise that is a dismally failing, vile, self-enrichment obsessed zanu pf that is responsible for the prevailing, resilient state paralysis, is in the business of compromising both the national security and sovereignty of the said paralyzed state, the mutilation, violation and assaulting of the supreme law of the land. However, the tranquil transition into power by the innovative, resilient, reinvigorated, ultimate law of the land by the opposition that is sensitive to the plight of the terrorized, exploited, suffering masses, deprived of prompt, affordable, reliable service delivery of decent quality, whose welfare has been neglected for four decades, will automatically boost life expectancy in the paralyzed state of Zimbabwe by ninety percent.

It should be appreciated why life expectancy in Zimbabwe is very low, in the first place, only then, can it be appreciated why the lawful, legitimate, the innovative, resilient, reinvigorated, ultimate law of the land by the opposition that is sensitive to the plight of the terrorized, exploited, suffering masses, deprived of prompt, affordable, reliable service delivery of decent quality, whose welfare has been neglected for four decades, will automatically boost life expectancy in the paralyzed state of Zimbabwe by ninety percent. As it is, Zimbabwe is a paralyzed state that is also a pariah state, which is inevitably going to collapse and subsequently fail, all because it is being ruled, instead of being governed or led, constitutionally by a government elected into power through free, fair, and credible elections. Predatory, exclusionary, senile, national development averse, national security and sovereignty compromising, plundering, incompetent, violent thuggish pests and parasites who are part of the criminal enterprise of zanu pf, that is the worst thing to ever happen to this country, want to die in public offices because it is an avenue of accumulating ill-gotten wealth, for fulfilment of their unchecked self-enrichment destructive tendencies, have compounded to create a political economic environment that is hostile to the average Zimbabwean, hence the lower life expectancy.

The above mentioned vile, vermin that is the core of illegitimate and spectacularly failing zanu pf is a pregnant crisis that conceives exiling of transparency, especially with regards of utilization of finite, natural, non-renewable resources and fiscal resources, accountability over the use, misuse, misallocation, abuse of said resources, and rule by law, selective application of the law, both of which are instrumental, especially against property rights violations, an inevitable feature of illegitimate power retention. The opposition would do the opposite, ensure restoration of the mutilated, abused and diluted ultimate law of the land, which would return from exile, transparency, accountability, devolution of power, separation of powers, impartial courts of law, immune from political influence which serves as deterrence against plundering and looting of said resources, which thus would be channeled towards service delivery for the people and their welfare, and national, infrastructural development. 

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