In a banana republic like Zimbabwe, wonders never cease. One such wonder is the recent admission by the incompetent, captured, partisan and politicized electoral commission, one of its commissioners is the daughter of the recently reinstated philandering Kembo Mohadi. According to the said incompetent, captured, partisan and politicized electoral commission, there indeed are electoral malpractices. It is not clear whether the unethical body is finding out this now. However, instead of engaging stakeholders such as the legitimate, resilient, innovative, reinvigorated opposition, which is sensitive and responsive towards the neglected welfare of the terrorized and oppressed citizens, the shameless electoral body decided to point fingers at the equally incompetent, captured, partisan and politicized police force, whose rank and file is impoverished, battered into submission by the effects of the illegitimacy of the plundering, looting, people’s welfare neglecting, supreme law of the land mutilating and assaulting, pestilential and parasitic ZANU PF.

Imagine expecting the equally shameless, equally incompetent, captured, partisan and politicized police force, whose rank and file is impoverished, battered into submission by the effects of the illegitimacy of the plundering, looting, people’s welfare neglecting, supreme law of the land mutilating and assaulting, pestilential and parasitic zanu pf to actually do something, when they have failed to do one of their basic duties, to protect defenceless opposition activists and supporters when they are attacked by the unemployed, drug abusing youth militia of the former, above party. They literally stand aside, failing to act, as required by the supreme law of the land, so would they suddenly deal with the minor flagged electoral malpractices by the incompetent, captured, partisan and politicized electoral commission? Obviously, since they are all appendages of the illegitimate zanu pf they will not act on the said malpractices.
Imagine going to report criminal electoral malpractices, be it violence, vote buying, ballot stuffing to the incompetent, captured, partisan and politicized electoral police force, who themselves vote under supervision of their superiors, and are owned by the pestilential, parasitic, plundering, looting, citizens oppressing and terrorizing, illegitimate, legitimately failing and criminal ZANU PF which has neglected the welfare of the people whose power it fears would result in it getting voted out of power in a free and credible election, hence the electoral malpractices which are a vice and ZEC tolerated culture.
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