For lack of better word, fate will be appropriate for this piece. What will be the fate of the overzealous, grossly inept, partisan, politicized and militarized elements of the security sector, anticorruption commission, the judiciary, the electoral commission, and what should be the public, national media? Will they fare better than the oppressed, terrorized, abused, exploited, impoverished masses that are deprived of prompt, affordable, reliable service delivery, of decent quality, as their welfare has consistently been neglected for four decades?

It is extremely unlikely that they will fare better. Sure, in their lifetime, the above referenced overzealous, grossly inept, partisan, politicized and militarized elements of the security sector, anticorruption commission, the judiciary, the electoral commission, and what should be the public, national media personnel, appointed not on merit but on their bootlicking capabilities might enjoy the gravy train, keyword here being might, but their children, or their children might not enjoy the gravy train for obvious, glaring reasons that their parasitic, plundering and self-enrichment obsessed minds fail to comprehend.
It should be appreciated that once upon a time, the clueless, illegitimate the quasi-military edifice whose commandist approaches of illegitimate ruling, instead of governing through consensus, which is also a criminal enterprise that is a dismally failing, vile, self-enrichment obsessed zanu pf that denigrate cries for democracy and transparency, accountability and political legitimacy, as evidenced by prompt, affordable, reliable decent quality service delivery deprivations gave war veterans fifty thousand dollars. None of them today have nothing to show for it. That is the amazing consequences of being part of an exclusionary gravy train. In addition to this, two generals who were part of the core of the 2017 military coup died, under circumstances that their looted wealth could have circumvented. None was flown to be treated to china, or Singapore. So think about it a minute, if generals who became ministers, rewards for their raping of the constitution could not be flown abroad for best treatment, will mere propaganda worms like the zbc journalists, like the deceased Makwanya, pawns like Malaba who are used to steal the political will of the people so that they are ruled, instead of being governed constitutionally.
To complicate things further for the above referenced overzealous, grossly inept, partisan, politicized and militarized elements of the security sector, anticorruption commission, the judiciary, the electoral commission, and what should be the public, national media personnel, appointed not on merit but on their bootlicking capabilities, the natural, non-renewable, finite resources being plundered both by the parasitic, vermin that is zanu pf, and the Chinese will deplete in roughly twenty years or less. There won’t be any more fancy cars, fancy houses, let alone money for medical treatment, they will be in the same boat as the people they worked against, ensuring that they suffered, were exploited, under tyranny.